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The Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning 4 records  
The NIPS ’17 Competition: Building Intelligent Systems 1 records  
The International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Image, Video, and Audio Retrieval and Mining 1 records  
The Insight Journal 1 records  
The imaging science journal. Vol. 55, No. 3 pp. 127–139 1 records  
The future of historical demography. Upside down and inside out 1 records  
Teledeteccion, Medio Ambiente y Cambio Global, IX Congreso Nacional de Teledeteccion, 546–550. 1 records  
Teledeteccion, Medio Ambiente y Cambio Global, IX Congreso Nacional de Teledeteccion, 437–440. 1 records  
Tecnologia de Imagenes Medicas, Convencion Iberoamericana sobre la Salud en la Sociedad Global de la Informacion. 1 records  
Technology Innovation Management Review 1 records  
Technical Workshop on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal Processing. 2 records  
Technical Report. 1 records  
Technical Report #40 1 records  
Technical Report #07 1 records  
Technical Report 2 records  