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Oriol Pujol; Petia Radeva; Jordi Vitria Traffic sign recognition using an adaptive boosting multiclass framework 2005 Workshop sobre Reconocimiento de Formas y Analisis de Imagenes (AERFAI), I Congreso Español de Informatica (CEDI´2005)
Juan Andrade; T. Alejandra Vidal; A. Sanfeliu Stochastic state estimation for simultaneous localization and map building in mobile robotics 2005 Vedran Kordic, Aleksandar Lazinica, and Munir Merdan (Eds.), Cutting Edge Robotics, Advanced Robotic Systems Press, 3.3:223–242
Franck Davoine; Fadi Dornaika Head and facial animation tracking using appearance-adaptive models and particle filters 2005 V. Pavlovic and T.S. Huang (editors), Real–Time Vision for Human–Computer Interaction
N. Zakaria; Jean-Marc Ogier; Josep Llados On-line Graphics Recognition based on Invariant Spatio-Sequential Descriptor: Fuzzy Matrix 2005 Sixth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), 248–259
Joan Mas; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados An Incremental Parser to Recognize Diagram Symbols and Gestures represented by Adjacency Grammars 2005 Sixth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), 229–237
Anton Cervantes; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; Agnes Borras; A. Rodriguez Biometric Recognition Based on Line Shape Descriptors 2005 Sixth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005) 335–344
A. Restrepo; Angel Sappa; M. Devy Edge registration versus triangular mesh registration, a comparative study 2005 Signal Processing: Image Communication 20: 853–868 (IF: 1.264)
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; A. Carol; H. Tizon; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; J. Mauri; Vicente del Valle; Debora Gil; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Petia Radeva Model estadístic-determinístic per la segmentació de l adventicia en imatges d ecografía intracoronaria 2005 Rev Societat Catalana Cardiologia 5 41
Eric Amiel Visualisation de vaisseaux sanguins 2005 Rapport de Stage
Juan Andrade; T. Alejandra Vidal; A. Sanfeliu Unscented transformation of vehicle states in SLAM 2005 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 324–329
Antonio Lopez; Cristina Cañero; Joan Serrat; J. Saludes; Felipe Lumbreras; T. Graf Detection of lane markings based on ridgeness and RANSAC 2005 Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 733–738
Daniel Ponsa; Antonio Lopez; Joan Serrat; Felipe Lumbreras; T. Graf Multiple Vehicle 3D Tracking Using an Unscented Kalman Filter 2005 Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1108–1113, ISBN:0–7803–9216–7
Daniel Ponsa; Antonio Lopez; Felipe Lumbreras; Joan Serrat; T. Graf 3D Vehicle Sensor based on Monocular Vision 2005 Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1096–1101, ISBN:0–7803–9216–7
J. Filipe; Juan Andrade; J.L. Ferrier FAF 2005 2005 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, INSTICC Press
Joel Barajas; Jaume Garcia; Francesc Carreras; Sandra Pujades; Petia Radeva Angle Images Using Gabor Filters in Cardiac Tagged MRI 2005 Proceeding of the 2005 conference on Artificial Intelligence Research and Development 107-114