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Jordina Torrents-Barrena, Aida Valls, Petia Radeva, Meritxell Arenas, & Domenec Puig. (2015). Automatic Recognition of Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer in X-Ray images using Segmentation-based Fractal Texture Analysis. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (Vol. 277, pp. 247–256). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press.
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Javier Vazquez, Maria Vanrell, Anna Salvatella, & Eduard Vazquez. (2007). A colour space based on the image content. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, C. Angulo and L. Godo, pp 205–212 IOS Press.
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Bogdan Raducanu, & Jordi Vitria. (2005). Real-Time Face Tracking for Context-Aware Computing. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, IOS Press, 91–98.
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Ariel Amato, Ivan Huerta, Mikhail Mozerov, Xavier Roca, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2014). Moving Cast Shadows Detection Methods for Video Surveillance Applications. In Augmented Vision and Reality (Vol. 6, pp. 23–47). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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