Jaume Gibert. (2009). Learning structural representations and graph matching paradigms in the context of object recognition (Vol. 143). Master's thesis, , .
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Fernando Vilariño, Stephan Ameling, Gerard Lacey, Stephen Patchett, & Hugh Mulcahy. (2009). Eye Tracking Search Patterns in Expert and Trainee Colonoscopists: A Novel Method of Assessing Endoscopic Competency? GI - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 69(5), 370.
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Mirko Arnold, Anarta Ghosh, Gerard Lacey, Stephen Patchett, & Hugh Mulcahy. (2009). Indistinct frame detection in colonoscopy videos. In Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (pp. 47–52).
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Stefan Ameling, Stephan Wirth, Dietrich Paulus, Gerard Lacey, & Fernando Vilariño. (2009). Texture-based Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy. In Proc. BILDVERARBEITUNG FÜR DIE MEDIZIN.
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Fernando Vilariño, & Gerard Lacey. (2009). QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN COLONOSCOPY New challenges through computer vision-based systems. In in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices.
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Ferran Poveda. (2009). Visualització i interpretació tridimensional de l’arquitectura de les fibres musculars del miocardi. Master's thesis, , 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain).
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Enric Marti, Debora Gil, Marc Vivet, & Carme Julia. (2009). Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en la asignatura de Gráficos por Computador en Ingeniería Informática. Balance de cuatro años de experiencia. Barcelona, Spain.
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Jorge Bernal. (2009). Use of Projection and Back-projection Methods in Bidimensional Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction (Vol. 141). Master's thesis, , Barcelona, Spain.
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Javier Marin. (2009). Virtual learning for real testing (Vol. 150). Master's thesis, , bell.
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Agnes Borras. (2009). Contributions to the Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Pictorial Queries (Josep Llados, Ed.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, Bellaterra.
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Albert Andaluz. (2009). LV Contour Segmentation in TMR images using Semantic Description of Tissue and Prior Knowledge Correction (Vol. 142). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra 08193, Barcelona, Spain.
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Hany Salah Eldeen. (2009). Colour Naming in Context through a Perceptual Model (Vol. 130). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Naila Murray. (2009). Perceptual Feature Detection (Vol. 131). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Josep M. Gonfaus. (2009). Semantic Segmentation of Images Using Random Ferns (Vol. 132). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Albert Gordo. (2009). A Cyclic Page Layout Descriptor for Document Classification & Retrieval (Vol. 128). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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