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Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, R. Hemetsberger, Francesco Ciompi, E Fernandez-Nofrerias, Angel Serrano, M. Bernet, et al. (2010). Caracteritzacio automatica de la placa mitjançant analisis del espectre de radiofreqüencia en estudi de ecografia intracoronaria: resultat de la fusio de dades invivo i exvivo. In 22nd Congres Societat Catalana de Cardiologia, (131).
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R. de Nijs, Sebastian Ramos, Gemma Roig, Xavier Boix, Luc Van Gool, & K. Kühnlenz. (2012). On-line Semantic Perception Using Uncertainty. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 4185–4191).
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Daniel Ponsa, Joan Serrat, & Antonio Lopez. (2011). On-board image-based vehicle detection and tracking. TIM - Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 33(7), 783–805.
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David Geronimo, & Antonio Lopez. (2010). Deteccion de Peatones para Sistemas Avanzados de Asistencia al Conductor.
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David Augusto Rojas, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, & Joost Van de Weijer. (2010). The Impact of Color on Bag-of-Words based Object Recognition. In 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (1549–1553).
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Jaume Gibert, & Ernest Valveny. (2010). Graph Embedding based on Nodes Attributes Representatives and a Graph of Words Representation. In I. Ulusoy and F. Escolano T. Windeatt R. C. W. In E.R. Hancock (Ed.), 13th International worshop on structural and syntactic pattern recognition and 8th international worshop on statistical pattern recognition (Vol. 6218, 223–232). LNCS. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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David Aldavert, Arnau Ramisa, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, & Ricardo Toledo. (2010). Real-time Object Segmentation using a Bag of Features Approach. In J.Aguilar. A. M. In R.Alquezar (Ed.), 13th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 220, 321–329). IOS Press Amsterdam,.
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Murad Al Haj, Andrew Bagdanov, Jordi Gonzalez, & Xavier Roca. (2010). Reactive object tracking with a single PTZ camera. In 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (1690–1693).
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Anjan Dutta, Umapada Pal, Alicia Fornes, & Josep Llados. (2010). An Efficient Staff Removal Technique from Printed Musical Documents. In 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (1965–1968).
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Alicia Fornes, Sergio Escalera, Josep Llados, & Ernest Valveny. (2010). Symbol Classification using Dynamic Aligned Shape Descriptor. In 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (1957–1960).
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Jose Carlos Rubio, Joan Serrat, Antonio Lopez, & Daniel Ponsa. (2010). Multiple-target tracking for the intelligent headlights control. In 13th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (903–910).
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Ferran Diego, Daniel Ponsa, Joan Serrat, & Antonio Lopez. (2010). Vehicle geolocalization based on video synchronization. In 13th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (1511–1516).
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Ferran Diego, Jose Manuel Alvarez, Joan Serrat, & Antonio Lopez. (2010). Vision-based road detection via on-line video registration. In 13th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (1135–1140).
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Diego Alejandro Cheda, Daniel Ponsa, & Antonio Lopez. (2010). Camera Egomotion Estimation in the ADAS Context. In 13th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (1415–1420).
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