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Alicia Fornes, & Gemma Sanchez. (2014). Analysis and Recognition of Music Scores. In D. Doermann, & K. Tombre (Eds.), Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition (Vol. E, pp. 749–774). Springer London.
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Lluis Pere de las Heras, Ernest Valveny, & Gemma Sanchez. (2014). Unsupervised and Notation-Independent Wall Segmentation in Floor Plans Using a Combination of Statistical and Structural Strategies. In Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges (Vol. 8746, pp. 109–121). LNCS. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Marçal Rusiñol, Volkmar Frinken, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Andrew Bagdanov, & Josep Llados. (2014). Multimodal page classification in administrative document image streams. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 17(4), 331–341.
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Xavier Perez Sala, Sergio Escalera, Cecilio Angulo, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2014). A survey on model based approaches for 2D and 3D visual human pose recovery. SENS - Sensors, 14(3), 4189–4210.
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Sergio Escalera, Xavier Baro, Jordi Gonzalez, Miguel Angel Bautista, Meysam Madadi, Miguel Reyes, et al. (2014). ChaLearn Looking at People Challenge 2014: Dataset and Results. In ECCV Workshop on ChaLearn Looking at People (Vol. 8925, pp. 459–473). LNCS.
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Oscar Lopes, Miguel Reyes, Sergio Escalera, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2014). Spherical Blurred Shape Model for 3-D Object and Pose Recognition: Quantitative Analysis and HCI Applications in Smart Environments. TSMCB - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), 44(12), 2379–2390.
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Miguel Angel Bautista, Sergio Escalera, & Oriol Pujol. (2014). On the Design of an ECOC-Compliant Genetic Algorithm. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(2), 865–884.
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Frederic Sampedro, Anna Domenech, & Sergio Escalera. (2014). Obtaining quantitative global tumoral state indicators based on whole-body PET/CT scans: A breast cancer case study. NMC - Nuclear Medicine Communications, 35(4), 362–371.
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Mohammad Ali Bagheri, Qigang Gao, & Sergio Escalera. (2014). Generic Subclass Ensemble: A Novel Approach to Ensemble Classification. In 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (pp. 1254–1259).
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Mohammad Ali Bagheri, Gang Hu, Qigang Gao, & Sergio Escalera. (2014). A Framework of Multi-Classifier Fusion for Human Action Recognition. In 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (pp. 1260–1265).
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Antonio Hernandez, Stan Sclaroff, & Sergio Escalera. (2014). Contextual rescoring for Human Pose Estimation. In 25th British Machine Vision Conference.
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Frederic Sampedro, Anna Domenech, & Sergio Escalera. (2014). Static and dynamic computational cancer spread quantification in whole body FDG-PET/CT scans. JMIHI - Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 4(6), 825–831.
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Frederic Sampedro, Sergio Escalera, & Anna Puig. (2014). Iterative Multiclass Multiscale Stacked Sequential Learning: definition and application to medical volume segmentation. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 46, 1–10.
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Eloi Puertas, Miguel Angel Bautista, Daniel Sanchez, Sergio Escalera, & Oriol Pujol. (2014). Learning to Segment Humans by Stacking their Body Parts,. In ECCV Workshop on ChaLearn Looking at People (Vol. 8925, pp. 685–697). LNCS.
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Frederic Sampedro, Sergio Escalera, Anna Domenech, & Ignasi Carrio. (2014). A computational framework for cancer response assessment based on oncological PET-CT scans. CBM - Computers in Biology and Medicine, 55, 92–99.
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