Isabelle Guyon, Kristin Bennett, Gavin Cawley, Hugo Jair Escalante, & Sergio Escalera. (2015). The AutoML challenge on codalab. In IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN2015.
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Gerard Canal, Cecilio Angulo, & Sergio Escalera. (2015). Gesture based Human Multi-Robot interaction. In IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN2015.
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Andres Traumann, Sergio Escalera, & Gholamreza Anbarjafari. (2015). A New Retexturing Method for Virtual Fitting Room Using Kinect 2 Camera. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Worshops (CVPRW) (pp. 75–79).
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Ramin Irani, Kamal Nasrollahi, Chris Bahnsen, D.H. Lundtoft, Thomas B. Moeslund, Marc O. Simon, et al. (2015). Spatio-temporal Analysis of RGB-D-T Facial Images for Multimodal Pain Level Recognition. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Worshops (CVPRW) (pp. 88–95).
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Mohammad Ali Bagheri, Qigang Gao, Sergio Escalera, Albert Clapes, Kamal Nasrollahi, Michael Holte, et al. (2015). Keep it Accurate and Diverse: Enhancing Action Recognition Performance by Ensemble Learning. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Worshops (CVPRW) (pp. 22–29).
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Isabelle Guyon, Kristin Bennett, Gavin Cawley, Hugo Jair Escalante, Sergio Escalera, Tin Kam Ho, et al. (2015). AutoML Challenge 2015: Design and First Results. In 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML workshop, JMLR proceedings ICML15 (pp. 1–8).
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Huamin Ren, Weifeng Liu, Soren Ingvor Olsen, Sergio Escalera, & Thomas B. Moeslund. (2015). Unsupervised Behavior-Specific Dictionary Learning for Abnormal Event Detection. In 26th British Machine Vision Conference.
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Victor Ponce, Sergio Escalera, Marc Perez, Oriol Janes, & Xavier Baro. (2015). Non-Verbal Communication Analysis in Victim-Offender Mediations. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 67(1), 19–27.
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Hugo Jair Escalante, Jose Martinez, Sergio Escalera, Victor Ponce, & Xavier Baro. (2015). Improving Bag of Visual Words Representations with Genetic Programming. In IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN2015.
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Kamal Nasrollahi, Sergio Escalera, P. Rasti, Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Xavier Baro, Hugo Jair Escalante, et al. (2015). Deep Learning based Super-Resolution for Improved Action Recognition. In 5th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA2015 (pp. 67–72).
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Xavier Baro, Jordi Gonzalez, Junior Fabian, Miguel Angel Bautista, Marc Oliu, Hugo Jair Escalante, et al. (2015). ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 challenges: action spotting and cultural event recognition. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Worshops (CVPRW) (pp. 1–9).
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Victor Ponce, Hugo Jair Escalante, Sergio Escalera, & Xavier Baro. (2015). Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures. In 26th British Machine Vision Conference (129.pp. 1–129.13).
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Debora Gil, David Roche, Agnes Borras, & Jesus Giraldo. (2015). Terminating Evolutionary Algorithms at their Steady State. COA - Computational Optimization and Applications, 61(2), 489–515.
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Antoni Gurgui, Debora Gil, & Enric Marti. (2015). Laplacian Unitary Domain for Texture Morphing. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISIGRAPP2015 (Vol. 1, pp. 693–699). SciTePress.
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Sergio Vera, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, & Debora Gil. (2015). A Novel Cochlear Reference Frame Based On The Laplace Equation. In 29th international Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Vol. 10, pp. 1–312).
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