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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Josep Llados; Enric Marti; Juan J.Villanueva Symbol recognition by error-tolerant subgraph matching between region adjacency graphs 2001 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 23 1137-1143
Enric Marti; Carme Julia; Debora Gil A PBL Experience in the Teaching of Computer Graphics 2006 Computer Graphics Forum 25 95-103
Enric Marti; Jordi Regincos;Jaime Lopez-Krahe; Juan J.Villanueva Hand line drawing interpretation as three-dimensional objects 1993 Signal Processing – Intelligent systems for signal and image understanding 32 91-110
Maurizio Mencuccini; Jordi Martinez-Vilalta; Josep Piñol; Lasse Loepfe; Mireia Burnat ; Xavier Alvarez; Juan Camacho; Debora Gil A quantitative and statistically robust method for the determination of xylem conduit spatial distribution 2010 American Journal of Botany 97 1247-1259
Oriol Pujol; Debora Gil; Petia Radeva Fundamentals of Stop and Go active models 2005 Image and Vision Computing 23 681-691
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; A. Carol; H. Tizon; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; J. Mauri; Vicente del Valle; Debora Gil; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Petia Radeva Model estadístic-determinístic per la segmentació de l adventicia en imatges d ecografía intracoronaria 2005 Rev Societat Catalana Cardiologia 5 41
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; Debora Gil; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias Analisis en los cambios en el nivel de gris en las secuencias angiograficas mediante descriptores estadisticos para determinar la perfusion miocardica 2006 Revista Española de Cardiología 59 Supl 2-166 128
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; J. Mauri; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; C. Garcia; R. Villuendas; Vicente del Valle; Debora Gil; Petia Radeva Reconstruction of a spatio-temporal model of the intima layer from intravascular ultrasound sequences 2003 European Heart Journal
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; J. Mauri; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; Antonio Tovar; Vicente del Valle; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; Petia Radeva Utilización de la Estructura de los Campos Vectoriales para la Detección de la Adventicia en Imágenes de Ecografía Intracoronaria 2004 Revista Internacional de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares Revista Española de Cardiología 57 100
Misael Rosales; Petia Radeva; Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; Debora Gil Modelling of image-catheter motion for 3-D IVUS 2009 Medical image analysis 13 91-104
David Rotger; Misael Rosales; Jaume Garcia; Oriol Pujol ; J. Mauri; Petia Radeva Active Vessel: A New Multimedia Workstation for Intravascular Ultrasound and Angiography Fusion 2003 Computers in Cardiology 30 65-68
Ernest Valveny; Enric Marti A model for image generation and symbol recognition through the deformation of lineal shapes 2003 Pattern Recognition Letters 24 2857-2867
Ernest Valveny; Enric Marti Deformable Template Matching within a Bayesian Framework for Hand-Written Graphic Symbol Recognition 2000 Graphics Recognition Recent Advances 1941 193-208
Lluis Pere de las Heras; Ahmed Sheraz; Marcus Liwicki; Ernest Valveny; Gemma Sanchez Statistical Segmentation and Structural Recognition for Floor Plan Interpretation 2014 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 17 221-237
Jasper Uilings; Koen E.A. van de Sande; Theo Gevers; Arnold Smeulders Selective Search for Object Recognition 2013 International Journal of Computer Vision 104 154-171