Ekain Artola. (2010). Human Attention Map Prediction Combining Visual Features (Vol. 160). Bachelor's thesis, , .
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David Fernandez. (2010). Handwritten Word Spotting in Old Manuscript Images using Shape Descriptors (Vol. 161). Master's thesis, , .
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Jon Almazan. (2010). Deforming the Blurred Shape Model for Shape Description and Recognition (Vol. 163). Master's thesis, , .
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Nataliya Shapovalova. (2010). On Importance of Interaction and Context (Vol. 155). Master's thesis, , .
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Zhanwu Xiong. (2010). A Pompd Model for Active Camera Control (Vol. 156). Master's thesis, , .
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Olivier Penacchio, C. Alejandro Parraga, & Maria Vanrell. (2010). Natural Scene Statistics account for Human Cones Ratios. PER - Perception. ECVP Abstract Supplement, 39, 101.
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Bogdan Raducanu, & D. Gatica-Perez. (2012). Inferring competitive role patterns in reality TV show through nonverbal analysis. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 56(1), 207–226.
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Miguel Angel Bautista, Xavier Baro, Oriol Pujol, Petia Radeva, Jordi Vitria, & Sergio Escalera. (2010). Compact Evolutive Design of Error-Correcting Output Codes. In Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods and their Applications in the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (pp. 119–128).
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Neus Salvatella, E Fernandez-Nofrerias, Francesco Ciompi, Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, H. Tizon, Xavier Carrillo, et al. (2010). Radial Artery Volume Changes After Administration Of Two Different Intra-arterial Drug Regimens. Assessment by Intravascular Ultrasound. JACC - Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 56(13s1), B119.
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Neus Salvatella, E Fernandez-Nofrerias, Francesco Ciompi, Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Xavier Carrillo, R. Hemetsberger, et al. (2010). Canvis de volum a la arteria radial despres de la administracio de dos tractaments vasodilatadors. Avaluacio mitjançant ecografia intravascular. In 22nd Congres Societat Catalana de Cardiologia, (179).
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Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, R. Hemetsberger, Francesco Ciompi, E Fernandez-Nofrerias, Angel Serrano, M. Bernet, et al. (2010). Caracteritzacio automatica de la placa mitjançant analisis del espectre de radiofreqüencia en estudi de ecografia intracoronaria: resultat de la fusio de dades invivo i exvivo. In 22nd Congres Societat Catalana de Cardiologia, (131).
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R. de Nijs, Sebastian Ramos, Gemma Roig, Xavier Boix, Luc Van Gool, & K. Kühnlenz. (2012). On-line Semantic Perception Using Uncertainty. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 4185–4191).
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Daniel Ponsa, Joan Serrat, & Antonio Lopez. (2011). On-board image-based vehicle detection and tracking. TIM - Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 33(7), 783–805.
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David Geronimo, & Antonio Lopez. (2010). Deteccion de Peatones para Sistemas Avanzados de Asistencia al Conductor.
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Jose Carlos Rubio, Joan Serrat, Antonio Lopez, & Daniel Ponsa. (2010). Multiple-target tracking for the intelligent headlights control. In 13th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (903–910).
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