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Anjan Dutta. (2010). Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents by Serialized Subgraph Matching (Vol. 159). Master's thesis, , .
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Hany Salah Eldeen. (2009). Colour Naming in Context through a Perceptual Model (Vol. 130). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Noha Elfiky. (2009). Enhancing Local Binary Patterns with Spatial Pyramid Kernel: Application to Scene Classification (Vol. 129). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Antonio Esteban Lansaque. (2014). 3D reconstruction and recognition using structured ligth (Vol. 179). Master's thesis, , .
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Miquel Ferrer. (2006). Spectral Median Graphs and its Application to Graphical Symbol Recognition.
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Carles Fernandez. (2007). Natural Language for Human Behavior Evaluation in Video Sequences.
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David Fernandez. (2010). Handwritten Word Spotting in Old Manuscript Images using Shape Descriptors (Vol. 161). Master's thesis, , .
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Onur Ferhat. (2012). Eye-Tracking with Webcam-Based Setups: Implementation of a Real-Time System and an Analysis of Factors Affecting Performance (Fernando Vilariño, Ed.) (Vol. 172). Master's thesis, , .
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Jaume Gibert. (2009). Learning structural representations and graph matching paradigms in the context of object recognition (Vol. 143). Master's thesis, , .
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Juan Diego Gomez. (2009). Toward Robust Myocardial Blush Grade Estimation in Contrast Angiography (Vol. 134). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Lluis Gomez. (2012). Perceptual Organization for Text Extraction in Natural Scenes (Vol. 173). Master's thesis, , .
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Josep M. Gonfaus. (2009). Semantic Segmentation of Images Using Random Ferns (Vol. 132). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Wenjuan Gong. (2009). Action priors for human pose tracking by particle filter. Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Alejandro Gonzalez Alzate. (2011). Evaluation of spatiotemporal descriptors for pedestrian detection in video sequences (Vol. 166). Master's thesis, , .
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Albert Gordo. (2009). A Cyclic Page Layout Descriptor for Document Classification & Retrieval (Vol. 128). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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