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Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; K. Tombre An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Texture Symbols. 2002 Graphics Recognition: Algorithms and Apllications, LNCS 2390: 128–138, Springer Verlag.
Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez Symbol Recognition Using Graphs 2003 Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, vol II, 49–52
Josep Llados; Felipe Lumbreras; V. Chapaprieta; J. Queralt ICAR: Identity Card Automatic Reader. 2001 Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 470–474
Josep Llados; Felipe Lumbreras; Javier Varona A multidocument platform for automatic reading of identity cards. 1999 Proceedings of the VIII Symposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Analisis de Imagenes.
Josep Llados; Enric Marti A graph-edit algorithm for hand-drawn graphical document recognition and their automatic introduction into CAD systems. 1999 Machine Graphics & Vision, 8(2):195–211.
Josep Llados Perspectives on the Analysis of Graphical Documents 2006 Colloque International Francophone sur l´Ecrit et le Document (CIFED´06), 25–31
Jose Manuel Alvarez; Felipe Lumbreras; Antonio Lopez; Theo Gevers Understanding Road Scenes using Visual Cues 2012 European Conference on Computer Vision
Jose Manuel Alvarez; Antonio Lopez Model-based road detection using shadowless features and on-line learning 2009 BMVA one–day technical meeting on vision for automotive applications
Jose Luis Gomez; Manuel Silva; Antonio Seoane; Agnes Borras; Mario Noriega; German Ros; Jose Antonio Iglesias; Antonio Lopez All for One, and One for All: UrbanSyn Dataset, the third Musketeer of Synthetic Driving Scenes 2023 Arxiv
Jose Luis Alba; A. Pujol; Juan J. Villanueva Novel SOM-PCA Network for Face Identification. 2001 Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutonary Computation IV, SPIE´s International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology.
Jose Luis Alba; A. Pujol; Juan J. Villanueva ST-SOM: A Shape+Texture Self Organizing Map. 2001 Proceedings of the IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1:55–60
Jose Luis Alba; A. Pujol; Juan J. Villanueva Separating Geometry from Texture to Improve Face Analysis. 2001 Proceeding ICIP 2001, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2:673–676
Jose Antonio Rodriguez; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados Automatic Interpretation of Proofreading Sketches 2006 3rd Eurographics Workshop on Sketch Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM´06), 35–42
Jordi Vitria; J. Llacer Recovering Depth from Focus Using Iterative image Estimation Techniques. 1993 Tech.Report BL–35158, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Jordi Vitria Disseny de sistemes (intel.ligents) de visio. 1996