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Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Debora Gil, Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias, H. Tizon, S. Montserrat, Vicente del Valle, et al. (2007). Caracterització de la Perfusió Miocàrdica mitjançant anàlisi estadístic de l espectre en l angiografia de contrast. In XIX Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Cardiologia de Barcelona (130). Barcelona (Spain).
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David Vazquez, & Enrique Cabello. (2007). Empleo de sistemas biométricos faciales aplicados al reconocimiento de personas en aeropuertos. Bachelor's thesis, , .
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Fernando Vilariño, Gerard Lacey, Jiang Zhou, Hugh Mulcahy, & Stephen Patchett. (2007). Automatic Labeling of Colonoscopy Video for Cancer Detection. In In Proc. berian Conference, IbPRIA (pp. 290–297).
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Dani Rowe, Jordi Gonzalez, Ivan Huerta, & Juan J. Villanueva. (2007). On Reasoning over Tracking Events. In 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (Vol. 4522, 502–511). LNCS.
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Miquel Ferrer, F. Serratosa, & Ernest Valveny. (2007). On the Relation Between the Median Graph and the Maximum Common Subgraph of a Set of Graphs..
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Arnau Ramisa, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, & Ricardo Toledo. (2007). Comparing Combinations of Feature Regions for Panoramic VSLAM. In 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (292–297).
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Pau Baiget, Joan Soto, Xavier Roca, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2007). Automatic Generation of Computer-Animated Sequences based on Human Behaviour Modelling. In 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence.
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Sergio Escalera, Oriol Pujol, & Petia Radeva. (2007). Traffic Sign Classification using Error Correcting Techniques. In 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (281–285).
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Karla Lizbeth Caballero, Joel Barajas, & Oriol Pujol. (2007). Reconstructing IVUS Images for an Accurate Tissue Classification. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Vol. Special Sessions, 113–119).
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Javier Jimenez, Antonio Lopez, & Joan Serrat. (2007). Un enfoque ABP aplicado a Ingenieria del Software.
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David Masip, Agata Lapedriza, & Jordi Vitria. (2007). Face Verification Sharing Knowledge from Different Subjects. In 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Vol. 2, 268–289).
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Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny, & F. Serratosa. (2007). A New Optimal Algorithm for the Generalized Median Graph Computation Based on the Maximum Common Subgraph.
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David Geronimo, Angel Sappa, Antonio Lopez, & Daniel Ponsa. (2007). Adaptive Image Sampling and Windows Classification for On-board Pedestrian Detection. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems.
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Francisco Javier Orozco, F.A. Garcia, J.L. Arcos, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2007). Spatio-Temporal Reasoning for Reliable Facial Expression Interpretation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems.
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