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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
M. Gonzalez-Audicana; Xavier Otazu; O. Fors; A. Seco Comparison between Mallats and the trous discrete wavelet transform based algorithms for the fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images 2005 International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(3):595–614 (IF: 0.925)
Cristina Cañero; Nikolaos Thomos; George A. Triantafyllid; George C. Litos; Michael G. Strintzis Mobile Tele-echography: User Interface Design 2005 IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 9(1):44–49 (IF: 1.376)
Angel Sappa; Niki Aifanti; Sotiris Malassiotis; Michael G. Strintzis Prior Knowledge Based Motion Model Representation 2005 Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, Special Issue on Articulated Motion & Deformable Objects, 5(3):55–67 (Electronic Letters: IF: 1.016)
Xavier Otazu; Maria Vanrell Perceptual representation of textured images 2005 Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 49(3):262–271 (IF: 0.522)
Maria Vanrell; Jordi Vitria Optimal 3x3 decomposable disks for morphological transformations 1997 Image and Vision Computing, 15(2): 845–854
Antonio Lopez; Ernest Valveny; Juan J. Villanueva Real-time quality control of surgical material packaging by artificial vision 2005 Assembly Automation 25
Bogdan Raducanu; Jordi Vitria Real-Time Face Tracking for Context-Aware Computing 2005 8th Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2005) (published in
A. Sanfeliu; Juan J. Villanueva An approach of visual motion analysis 2005 Pattern Recognition Letters 26 355–368
David Masip; Jordi Vitria Feature Extraction for Nearest Neighbor Classification. Application to Gender Recognition 2005 International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 20(5): 561–576 (IF: 0.657)
Oriol Pujol; Petia Radeva On the assessment of texture descriptors in intravascular ultrasound images: A boosting approach to a feasible plaque classification 2005 Plaque Imaging: Pixel to Molecular Level, IOS Press, J. Suri et al. (Eds.), 113: 276–299, ISBN: 1–58603–516–9
Xavier Otazu; M. Gonzalez-Audicana; O. Fors; J. Nuñez Introduction of Sensor Spectral Response Into Image Fusion Methods. Application to Wavelet-Based Methods 2005 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(10): 2376–2385 (IF: 1.627)
Juan Andrade; T. Alejandra Vidal; A. Sanfeliu Stochastic state estimation for simultaneous localization and map building in mobile robotics 2005 Vedran Kordic, Aleksandar Lazinica, and Munir Merdan (Eds.), Cutting Edge Robotics, Advanced Robotic Systems Press, 3.3:223–242
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor; J. Mauri; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; Antonio Tovar; Vicente del Valle; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; Petia Radeva Utilizacion de la estructura de los campos vectoriales para la deteccion de la Adventicia en imagenes de Ecografia Intracoronaria 2004 Revista Española de Cardiología 57 100
A. Restrepo; Angel Sappa; M. Devy Edge registration versus triangular mesh registration, a comparative study 2005 Signal Processing: Image Communication 20: 853–868 (IF: 1.264)
Xavier Otazu; Maria Vanrell A surround-induction function to unify assimilation and contrast in a computational model of color apearance 2005 Perception supplement, ECVP05 Abstracts, 34: 215