T.O. Nguyen, Salvatore Tabbone, & Oriol Ramos Terrades. (2008). Symbol Descriptor Based on Shape Context and Vector Model of Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, (pp. 191–197).
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H. Chouaib, Salvatore Tabbone, Oriol Ramos Terrades, F. Cloppet, N. Vincent, & A.T. Thierry Paquet. (2008). Sélection de Caractéristiques à partir d'un algorithme génétique et d'une combinaison de classifieurs Adaboost. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (pp. 181–186).
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T.O. Nguyen, Salvatore Tabbone, Oriol Ramos Terrades, & A.T. Thierry. (2008). Proposition d'un descripteur de formes et du modèle vectoriel pour la recherche de symboles. In Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (pp. 79–84).
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Salvatore Tabbone, Oriol Ramos Terrades, & S. Barrat. (2008). Histogram of radon transform. A useful descriptor for shape retrieval. In 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (pp. 1–4).
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Rozenn Dhayot, Fernando Vilariño, & Gerard Lacey. (2008). Improving the Quality of Color Colonoscopy Videos. EURASIP JIVP - EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 139429(1), 1–9.
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Carme Julia, Angel Sappa, Felipe Lumbreras, Joan Serrat, & Antonio Lopez. (2008). Rank Estimation in 3D Multibody Motion Segmentation. Electronic Letters, 44(4), 279–280.
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David Vazquez, & Antonio Lopez. (2008). Intrusion Classification in Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems.
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Debora Gil, Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Petia Radeva, & J. Mauri. (2008). Myocardial Perfusion Characterization From Contrast Angiography Spectral Distribution. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27(5), 641–649.
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Debora Gil, Jaume Garcia, Mariano Vazquez, Ruth Aris, & Guilleaume Houzeaux. (2008). Patient-Sensitive Anatomic and Functional 3D Model of the Left Ventricle Function. In 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanichs (WCCM8).
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Debora Gil, Jaume Garcia, Manuel Vazquez, Ruth Aris, & Guillaume Houzeaux. (2008). Patient-Sensitive Anatomic and Functional 3D Model of the Left Ventricle Function. In 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanichs (WCCM8)/5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008). Venezia (Italia).
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Jaume Garcia, Debora Gil, Francesc Carreras, Sandra Pujades, R.Leta, Xavier Alomar, et al. (2008). Un Model 3D del Ventricle Esquerre Integrant Anatomia i Funcionalitat. In XX Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Cardiologia, Actes del Congres (122). Barcelona.
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Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, Debora Gil, Marc Vivet, & Carme Julia. (2008). Uso de recursos virtuales en Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Una experiencia en la asignatura de Graficos por Computador.
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Enric Marti, Debora Gil, Marc Vivet, & Carme Julia. (2008). Balance de cuatro años de experiencia en la implantación de la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en la asignatura de Gráficos por Computador en ingeniería Informática.
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Sandra Pujades, Francesc Carreras, Manuel Ballester, Jaume Garcia, & Debora Gil. (2008). A Normalized Parametric Domain for the Analysis of the Left Ventricular Function. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP’08) (Vol. 1, pp. 267–274).
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Jaume Garcia, Debora Gil, Sandra Pujades, & Francesc Carreras. (2008). A Variational Framework for Assessment of the Left Ventricle Motion. International Journal Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 3(6), 76–100.
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