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Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzalez, Hugo Jair Escalante, Xavier Baro, & Isabelle Guyon. (2018). Looking at People Special Issue. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 126(2-4), 141–143.
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Patrick Brandao, O. Zisimopoulos, E. Mazomenos, G. Ciutib, Jorge Bernal, M. Visentini-Scarzanell, et al. (2018). Towards a computed-aided diagnosis system in colonoscopy: Automatic polyp segmentation using convolution neural networks. JMRR - Journal of Medical Robotics Research.
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Huamin Ren, Nattiya Kanhabua, Andreas Mogelmose, Weifeng Liu, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Sergio Escalera, et al. (2018). Back-dropout Transfer Learning for Action Recognition. IETCV - IET Computer Vision, 12(4), 484–491.
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Jianzhy Guo, Zhen Lei, Jun Wan, Egils Avots, Noushin Hajarolasvadi, Boris Knyazev, et al. (2018). Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition from Still Images of Faces. ACCESS - IEEE Access, 6, 26391–26403.
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Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Xavier Baro, & Sergio Escalera. (2018). Exploiting feature representations through similarity learning, post-ranking and ranking aggregation for person re-identification. IMAVIS - Image and Vision Computing, 79, 76–85.
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